
Bekina receives the Sustainable Business Charter from Voka

What is this Voka Sustainability charter all about?

Voka wants to help companies anchor sustainable business in their DNA and achieve their sustainability goals. With the Voka Charter Duurzaam Ondernemen (VCDO) you can use a tailor-made action plan to work on a business that is profitable both for your company and for people and the environment.

With the VCDO, you are also building the international reputation of your company. In this way, you help realize the 17 sustainability goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. These have been signed by no fewer than 194 countries worldwide. To this end, Voka works together with CIFAL Flanders/UNITAR, an international training center dedicated to sustainable management that can award companies the internationally recognized UNITAR certificate.

By working with the SDGs as a guide, you create a broad base of support and make progress economically, sociologically and ecologically. They are the compass for a future-oriented and sustainable business policy.